Academic Society of Pharmacologist of IGIMS

Bye-Laws / Rules

  1. Society means: ASPIGIMS (Will be also known as ASPI)
  2. Committee means: Executive Committee/ Managing Committee of the Society
  3. Office bearers: President-01, Vice-President-01, General Secretary-01, Treasurer-01, Chief Editor cum Representative-01, Members of the Committee-05
  4. Year means: 1st April to 31st March
  5. Body means: The General Body of the Society
  6. Act means: Society Registration Act 21, of 1860

Faculties, senior residents, junior residents, scientists and associates such as Ph.D. students, SRF, JRF, research assistant, pharmacovigilance associates and veterinary officer etc., hailing from Department of Pharmacology, IGIMS can apply in the prescribed format. Format can be found with the designated person in departmental office. Forms be submitted with requisite fee of Rs.5000/- at the office, Department of Pharmacology, IGIMS, Patna. The application has to be recommended by any one of the Founder/ members of Society. The form can be filled offline or online. To fill the form offline one can, download the form from the link given below (matter of incorporation in near future) or you can contact the department office at address given here, to obtain the form. Or else he/she can head on to the registration page to fill the form online by making online payment

Application for Admission (for Membership)

A. Every application for the admission as member of the society shall be addressed to the Secretary of the Society.
B. Every application shall be considered in the meeting of the Managing Committee and shall be accepted or rejected by a vote of majority save as those failing under rule-4 of these rules.
C. Every application shall be informed by the Secretary in writing about the decision of the Managing committee, which will be final.

Termination/ Cessation of the Membership

A. Members will have the right to remain in the Society until the Society is dissolved.
B. The membership may be cancelled after giving due opportunity to member if his conduct is not conducive to the cause of Society.
C. By Resigning
D. By death
E. By unsound mind
F. By order to the General Secretary, if any member will not abide with the rules of the society if found guilty of misconduct.

Formation of Managing Committee

A. Subject to the provision of these rules, the affairs of the society shall be administered and controlled by a Managing committee and shall comprise 10 Members including office bearers elected by the General body for a period of 3 years.
B. The members of the Managing Committee shall continue as such for a period of 3 years Vacancy created by death or otherwise shall be filled in within 3 months of the occurrence of such vacancies by the sole authority of the President.

Power & Function of the Managing Committee

A. To carry out the aims and objectives of the society.
B. To administer and control the affairs and funds of the society and exercises all power on behalf of the society.
C. To do all other lawful acts, matters things and deeds as may be conductive to and expedient in the interest of the society.
D. To purchase, take on lease or in exchange or hire or otherwise acquire any movable property for the purpose of the society and to carryout agreement. Contract obligation and arrangements on suitable terms.
E. To manage all the institution conducted & established by the society

General Body Meeting

The General Body meeting of the society will be attended by all the members. The first general body meeting of the society shall be held within six months of the expiry of the financial year, in which the first general body meeting was held. Thereafter, the annual general body meeting of the society shall be held within eighteen months from the date of its registration under Societies Registration Act 21 of 1860.

Proceeding of the Annual General Body Meeting

A. Passing the Accounts of the previous financial year.
B. Election of Office bearers and the members of the Managing Committee of fill the vacancies.
C. Appointment of Auditor for the next financial year.
D. To receive and adopt the annual report, the statement of accounts for the preceding year and the financial budget estimate of the current year.
E. To consider any of the mater deemed important by the president or the majority of the members present.
                 In the meeting of General Body at least 3/5 member of society must be present and this is the Quorum. If the quorum is not present within half an hour of the fixed time. The meeting shall be adjourned to the same date and time and at the same place for the next week and if the quorum is not present at adjourned meeting too, the members present shall be deemed to form quorum.
The Notice of the General Body meeting shall contain item of business to be transacted and with mention of place and time shall be issued to all members at least 15 days before the meeting.

General Body

The annual General Body meeting shall be held at least once in a year at such time and as fixed by the Secretary.

Powers and Function of the office bearers

A. He will preside all the meetings of the managing committee and the General body of the society. In the absence of the President the member President at the meeting shall elect a President from among himself or herself and the President shall exercise all such power.
B. He will have casting vote. Which he will exercise only when there is a tie in
C. He will guide Direct and supervise all the actives of the society.

A. In absence of President he will guide Direct and supervise all the activities of
the society

General Secretary:
A. Will be chief functionary authority of the organization.
B. Will execute all resolutions approved by the General body, Executive committee and any other committee of the organization.
C. Will represent the organization in availing monetary support from different agencies.
D. Will be authority to put signature on all documents (legal, formal and others) on behalf of organization.
E. Will have right to appoint, suspend and terminate the employees.
F. Will fix remuneration and give increment to the employees.
G. Will suggest the different committee/sub-committee in the direction of making organization self-sustainable.
H. Will have to maintain the account with help of treasurer.
I. Will have to maintain all documents.
J. Will correspond with different bodies within and outside India.
K. Will decide agenda of all meetings and will circulate in among the participant members.
L. Will operate Bank Account with the help of president/Treasurer.
M. Will be at liberty to spend for the purpose of the society at any time sum up to spend for the purpose for the society at any time sum up to Rs.5000/- without previous sanction of the managing committee.

A. Will be the caretaker of account of organization.
B. Will receive all sort of monetary support and aid on behalf of organization.
C. Will pay for expenditure of programs and activities with the permission of General Secretary.
D. Will receive against all sort of payment.
E. Will have to maintain account of organization as per direction of the General Secretary.
F. Will have to maintain Cash ledger, Balance Sheet and other documents related to account.
G. Will operate Bank Account with the president/General Secretary.
H. Will present annual report of income and expenditure duly audited by authorized auditor.
I. Will support General Secretary in all work in the favour of organization.

Chief Editor cum ASPI Representative:
A. He will review and comment on scientific literature/research proposals/articles receives to the society.

Bank Operation

The accounts of the society shall be kept and the Bank account will be opened in a nationalized bank/legal bank or post office in the name of the society and it will be operated by join signature of any two office bearers such as President/Secretary and Treasurer.

Source of Income

A. The Society will generate fund by way of subscription and sponsorship of Conferences/ CME/ Workshops/ Symposia or by any means authorized by general body.
B. By donation from its members, other individuals, private firm, companies, organizations and institutions running under society.
C. By government aids & Donations.
D. Grant and aid from any other legal sources.
E. By National and International funding agency.

Inspection of the Records

All records will be kept in registered office, Any member wishing to inspect can do so with the prior permission of the president or secretary.

Audit of Accounts

A. The accounts of the society shall be audited at least once a year by an auditor appointed by the General body and it will be placed before the general body meeting.
B. Inspector General of Registration, Bihar on his discretion any time, may get audited account of the society by recognized chattered Accountants and the fee will be borne by the society.


The authority for interpretation of any of these bye-laws/rules or regulations made here under which are enforced or that may come into force shall vest in the managing committee and their decision in the matter shall be final.

Amendment of Rules

The rules will not be amended unless two third (3/5) member of the society have agreed to the proposed amendment in General Body meeting provided at least one months notice has been given to the members the proposed amendment.

Annual List of Managing/Governing Body

A. Information of meeting will be given to executive body 7 days before.
B. Information for meeting of general body will given 15 days before.
C. Information for urgent and necessary meeting will be given 48 hrs. before.
D. Information of meeting will be given by the Registered post, or special messengers.

Legal Proceedings

The Secretary of the Society shall represent all the legal proceeding by or against the society. All documents executed by or in favour of the society shall be in the name of the general secretary of the society.

Dissolution and Adjustment of Affairs

A. The society shall be dissolved according to the Rules of the Society Registration Act 21 of 1860 by 3/5 majority of the members of the society in the General Body Meeting.
B. After the dissolution of the total movable and immovable properties of the society shall either be given to other of the same aim and object or be given to the Govt. after being paid all debts, loan etc, of the society by 3/5 majority in General Body Meeting.
C. The society will be dissolved after the permission of Bihar Govt. under section 13 of the Society Registration Act 21 of 1860.